Medium Greens -Madame Rose, Green Hydrangea and Ranunculus Bouquet


A smaller version of our show-stopping Opulent Greens Bouquet and shown here in our Tall Wide Neck Bottle Vase, this displays our Madame Rose perfectly. Accompanied by Green Hydrangeas, White Ranunulus, and a mix of foliage including Nettle, Eucalyptus, Senecio, and Snowberry it is a beautifully soft and fresh coloured arrangement which would compliment any colour palette.

Height approx 57cm

Width approx 45cm

Please note that the price does not include the vase, but why not take a look at our gorgeous selection of vases?

All of our arrangements are pre-cut to allow them to simply be placed into a vase. When purchased in conjunction with a recommended vase we will pre-cut the stems to perfectly fit your chosen vase. If you wish to shorten the stems further to fit an existing vase then they can be bent or cut with wire cutters.

To take care of your flowers simply dust lightly and sit back and enjoy!

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A smaller version of our show-stopping Opulent Greens Bouquet and shown here in our Tall Wide Neck Bottle Vase, this displays our Madame Rose perfectly. Accompanied by Green Hydrangeas, White Ranunulus, and a mix of foliage including Nettle, Eucalyptus, Senecio, and Snowberry it is a beautifully soft and fresh coloured arrangement which would compliment any colour palette.

Height approx 57cm

Width approx 45cm

Please note that the price does not include the vase, but why not take a look at our gorgeous selection of vases?

All of our arrangements are pre-cut to allow them to simply be placed into a vase. When purchased in conjunction with a recommended vase we will pre-cut the stems to perfectly fit your chosen vase. If you wish to shorten the stems further to fit an existing vase then they can be bent or cut with wire cutters.

To take care of your flowers simply dust lightly and sit back and enjoy!

A smaller version of our show-stopping Opulent Greens Bouquet and shown here in our Tall Wide Neck Bottle Vase, this displays our Madame Rose perfectly. Accompanied by Green Hydrangeas, White Ranunulus, and a mix of foliage including Nettle, Eucalyptus, Senecio, and Snowberry it is a beautifully soft and fresh coloured arrangement which would compliment any colour palette.

Height approx 57cm

Width approx 45cm

Please note that the price does not include the vase, but why not take a look at our gorgeous selection of vases?

All of our arrangements are pre-cut to allow them to simply be placed into a vase. When purchased in conjunction with a recommended vase we will pre-cut the stems to perfectly fit your chosen vase. If you wish to shorten the stems further to fit an existing vase then they can be bent or cut with wire cutters.

To take care of your flowers simply dust lightly and sit back and enjoy!

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English Pear and Freesia 30 hour Candle
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